Our Family Motto

Monday, October 27, 2008

Our Sweet Sydney

Okay Heidi your wish is my comand! Here are a few photos of our sweet Sydney Ann.

She is getting so big we can't believe it. Here favorite things right now are school(our big Kindergarten), art/crafts which she can't do enough of, ballet and tap lessons, and just being the best big sister ever. She loves playing with cate! They make me laugh everyday with their wild stories and adventures. They can make any part of our house and backyard a new place in their minds. These are a few pictures of Syd doing what she loves.

Another one of Sydneys favorites is spending time with dad. She loves camping, fishing and just playing in the great outdoors. I don't wonder where she gets it because if you know Chris you know he can't be kept inside to long.
We love our girls so much and can't wait to add another beautiful girl to the mix. Sydney is so excited to be a big sister again. My next post will be Caitlynn's photos and a little bit about her. Hope you enjoy Heidi! Love ya.

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theminerfamily said...

Hooray! I haven't checked your blog since Saturday! Way to go! I LOVE IT! I almost started crying looking at my Sydney girl! I miss her (and everyone else) so much! She is so big and beautiful! Thank you thank you thank you for the pics! Also, I love that other post about Cait! That one post explains alot about your daughter! I love her and cannot wait for her pictures!

Courtney said...

HOLLY! I don't think I've seen you since that day you, Erica and I went to some park. How are you??? Another girl!?!?!? I love it. I want to see pictures of you on there too! Your daughters are darling.
Keep in touch...
