Our Family Motto

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Our Little Big Princess

I can't believe that I'm old enough to have an almost 5 year old. Our little Sydney is growing up so fast before our eyes. This week is her birthday and she is all excited. We've planned a big day. Lunch at Cheesecake Factory, then off to build a bear (our first trip ever) and the biggest plans of all getting Sydneys ears pierced!:) She's so excited I haven't had the heart to discuss with her what having your ears pierced is all about. I guess you live and learn right! No she really is a tough girl and I think she will do great. I'm going to get with one of you excellent bloggers this next week so I can include photos of Syd's birthday on my next post. Hope to like Heidi said get the hang of this whole blog thing soon. Love ya.


Shy Little Violets said...

So excited to see her ears pierced. It is such an exciting thing for a little girl. Love ya! Call me if you need any help with anything blogish.

mary said...

Isn't it crazy how fast they grow up! Sounds like you guys are in for a fun day!

Camille said...

How did the ear piercing go, by the way? She was so excited, I'm sure she had a great birthday. You have adorable girls, they definitely take after their mother in that way!

Karly said...

DUDE! New post please!